Saturday, June 30, 2012

Miss 4th of July

We hosted a July 4th party for family and friends and here is Miss Fourth of July herself! Great time and great memories!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Goodnight Stories

 Goodnight stories are the best!  Especially when Daddy reads!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ride 'em cowgirl!

For the longest time, EC has had a love-hate relationship with this horse.  She loves it and wants to touch it and turn on the sounds (think neighing and clopping of hooves), but it scares her!  She grips onto me when I take her over to it, but she wants to go over to it.  Anyway, all fears aside, she has turned a corner and loves it now!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Yellow Bag

Oh, the yellow bag.  It had EC's toys, her sound machine, video monitor, books, blanket, pair of shoes, crib sheet, and extra clothes.  It was the last minute bag- stick everything last minute in this bag and head out the door.  Somehow the last minute bag didn't make it into the car.  An entire weekend without the bag or its contents.  It goes without saying we (I mean, Aunt Lisa) made a trip to Target to buy a few of the necessities. 

Sleepy Little

It was a big weekend for this little.  Lots to see and do!  She didn't nap well at all and finally on our way to a birthday party, she couldn't stay awake for another second.  Her nap was about 10 minutes total!  Oh sweet, tired girl!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Black & White

Somehow, I have myself entered into a photography contest and I'm in way over my head! For the contest, I need to submit a series of 3 black and white images.  They do not have to be the same subject, but related.  I snapped a few pics at the ranch and here are my best shots. 

I have one favorite, but not crazy about another 2.  I might have to scrap this and find a new subject, but time is running out!  Time and daylight that is.










Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012